Sailor's Hate List.
I hated........ my profession,
the reason......
[for my chronic depression,
and the cause of my multi-annual slavery.
The reason for being forced to consort
[with characters often unsavory..

So over time I hated the sea,
the constant travel, and
[the constant flee.
I hated the wind and waves,
and my comrades,
[the same as me slaves ....

I hated each port
with prostitutes in the bazaars
I hated to be a frequenter of
[brothels and bars....
Years passed and........
[my retirement time had come.
Curiously, instead of glad I was glum
when the motorboat
[was taking me off the ship.
I had a tear and a tremble in my lip
implying perhaps,
[some of my own guilt.
Just then I realized
[that hatred and love coexist
[my hate list.
*Extract from "The Broken Mooring Line", an experiential
poetic work // page c51// e-mail: pmataragas@yahoo.com //
Texts and Narration: Odysseus Heavilayias - ROTTERDAM //
Language adjustments and text adaptation: Kellene G Safis - CHICAGO//
Digital adaptation and text editing: Cathy Rapakoulia Mataraga - PIRAEUS//
Texts and Narration: Odysseus Heavilayias - ROTTERDAM //
Language adjustments and text adaptation: Kellene G Safis - CHICAGO//
Digital adaptation and text editing: Cathy Rapakoulia Mataraga - PIRAEUS//
the tales of a greek sailor
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