A gentle soul
As our boat departed,
[after many days of repairs,
Penya's eyes were filled with tears...
Three weeks before,
[the tanker "Lady Cleo"
crashed into our ship,
[fifty miles outside of Rio.
Two large tugboats towed us to the pier
and the fact that our ship
[needed major repairs, it was clear..
An extended stay in Rio de Janeiro,
[a real gift.
A crowd of girls who looked
[like population shift,
swarmed the boat
[from the stern to the bow.
It was incredible,
[the sailors were constantly saying, "wow".
A crowd of very poor girls
[from the favelas most,
ready to sell their love,
[of which no one would boast.

and this was the main reason for my choice !
It was Penya, not a girl from Ipanema,
[but from the favelas....
A royal beauty she was, but of the shack dwellers,
[not the palace,
a prostitute with extremely gentle soul....

[whole days and nights, yes whole.
I asked for a five-day leave,
[and we left together on a tour.
The modernist architecture of Brasilia,
[the capital, was a lure.
We traveled one thousand five hundred miles,
[coming and going,
straight line distance, 1200 miles,
[if we had been on a Boing.
On the day on which
[the ship was leaving
I gave her a huge amount believing
that this was what she wanted
[from me more.
I thought as everyone would think
[for a whore.
"When I heard "anchor aweigh"
[and the "engines full ahead",
jaded I returned to my cabin to sleep in my bed.
The golden chain from her neck
[was in the same drawer
with all the money that I gave to her
[shortly before...
* A gentle soul..... What comes to mind when I think of a gentle soul is someone who has no malice, wishes no ill-will on anyone, who is respectful and mindful of other people's feelings and is sensitive to the needs of others.
*Extract from "The Broken Mooring Line", an experiential
poetic work // page c 58// e-mail: pmataragas@yahoo.com //
Texts and Narration: Odysseus Heavilayias - ROTTERDAM //
Language adjustments and text adaptation: Kellene G Safis - CHICAGO//
Digital adaptation and text editing: Cathy Rapakoulia Mataraga - PIRAEUS//
the tales of a greek sailor
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